Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Subway Stories

So I am on the subway yesterday, on my way to work. Not my favorite journey, but one for which I am grateful. This young boy is setting next to me. He is small, Caucasian, seems to be around 9, which looks too young to be riding the train into Manhattan by himself, but I was not raised a city kid, so what do I know?

As we enter the Lexington Avenue station, a large homeless man enters the car and starts panhandling. I am so used to this that I very easily ignore it, burying my nose into my book, when I notice the boy next to me pulls out his wallet. He gets up and walks up to the beggar and holds out a dollar. I am watching this with great interest, ready and willing to step in and really hoping I do not have to.

Man: (Looking around nervously) Hey kid, I can't take your money.

Boy: Please take it!

Man: Ummm... you with some school or somethin'???

Boy: No sir...I am by myself (!?!) please, I want to give this to you.

Man: yeah - well, do you have any change? Like a nickel or quarter or something?

Boy: No sir, just a dollar. Take it, really.

Man: Do you have more money on you? I can't take all your money.

Boy pulls out his wallet and shows the man that yes, he does have plenty more money.

Man: (taking the dollar) ok, well, thanks. (Looks at woman sitting next to him as he gets off the train) I ain't on drugs or nothin'. I just gotta eat.

The boy comes back and sits next to me. I feel it is my personal responsibility and duty to teach this dear boy a lesson.

Me: You know, I think it was really sweet of you to give that man a dollar.

Boy: Thank you.

Me: However, you should be careful taking out your wallet and showing him your money. Especially on a crowded subway.

Boy: Its ok. I am in Billy Elliott.

And with that, he got off the train at 42nd street and headed to his Broadway gig, and I headed down to my waiting tables job, which supplements my teaching gig.

Maybe I should have asked him for a dollar.


Anonymous said...

Now that was funny! Glad to have you blogging again. What writing projects are you working on?

Anna said...

Only in NY.

Diane said...

Seriously. Only in New York.